Getting started with S3 using boto3

An introduction to S3 with boto3 AWS python SDK

April 27, 2023

Boto3 is an AWS python SDK that allows access to AWS services like EC2 and S3. It provides a python object-oriented API and as well as low-level access to AWS services

pip install boto3
import boto3, botocore
import glob

files = glob.glob('data/*') #to upload multiple files
['data/Player Data.xlsx',

Create a session and client

Boto3’s region defaults to N-Virginia. To create buckets in another region, region name has to be explicitly mentioned using session object.

session = boto3.Session(region_name='us-east-2')
s3client = session.client('s3')
s3resource = boto3.resource('s3')

S3 buckets have to follow bucket naming rules.

bucket_names = ['my-s3bucket1-usohio-region', 'my-s3bucket2-usohio-region']
s3location = {'LocationConstraint': 'us-east-2'}

Check if bucket exists in S3

Checking for something before creation is one of the important tasks to avoid unnecessary errors. Here we check if the buckets already exists.

def check_bucket(bucket):
    Checks if a bucket is present in S3
    bucket: takes bucket name
        print('Bucket exists')
        return True
    except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
        # If a client error is thrown, then check that it was a 404 error.
        # If it was a 404 error, then the bucket does not exist.
        error_code = int(e.response['Error']['Code'])
        if error_code == 403:
            print("Private Bucket. Forbidden Access!")
            return True
        elif error_code == 404:
            print("Bucket Does Not Exist!")
            return False
for bucket in bucket_names: 
Bucket exists
Bucket exists

Create a bucket in S3

If the buckets don’t exist, we create them. We need to supply bucket name, a dictionary specifying in which region the bucket has to be created.

for bucket_name in bucket_names: 
    if not(check_bucket(bucket_name)):
        print('Creating a bucket..')
        s3client.create_bucket(Bucket = bucket_name, CreateBucketConfiguration=s3location)
Bucket exists
Bucket exists

Bucket Versioning

Bucket versioning initial state is not set by default. The response from when not initialised doesn’t carry status information rather status dict is absent. Status expects two return states: enabled, suspended. On first creation, the status is in disabled, an unknown state.

So in order to make it appear in the REST response, bucket must be enabled by calling the BucketVersioning() boto3 resource function. If we then check the status, it will be present in the REST response.

def get_buckets_versioning_client(bucketname):
    Checks if bucket versioning is enabled/suspended or initialised
    bucketname: bucket name to check versioning
    Returns: response status - enabled or suspended
    response = s3client.get_bucket_versioning(Bucket = bucketname)
    if 'Status' in response and (response['Status'] == 'Enabled' or response['Status'] == 'Suspended'):
        print(f'Bucket {bucketname} status: {response["Status"]}')
        return response['Status']
        print(f'Bucket versioning not initialised for bucket: {bucketname}. Enabling...')
        enable_response = s3resource.BucketVersioning(bucket_name=bucket_name).status
        return enable_response
for bucket_name in bucket_names: 
    version_status = get_buckets_versioning_client(bucket_name)
    print(f'Versioning status: {version_status}')
Bucket my-s3bucket1-usohio-region status: Enabled
Versioning status: Enabled
Bucket my-s3bucket2-usohio-region status: Enabled
Versioning status: Enabled

To suspend bucket versioning

for bucket_name in bucket_names:
    version_status = get_buckets_versioning_client(bucket_name)
    print(f'Versioning status: {version_status}')
    if version_status == 'Enabled':
        print('Disabling again..')
Bucket my-s3bucket1-usohio-region status: Enabled
Versioning status: Enabled
Disabling again..
Bucket my-s3bucket2-usohio-region status: Enabled
Versioning status: Enabled
Disabling again..

To enable bucket versioning

for bucket_name in bucket_names:
    version_status = get_buckets_versioning_client(bucket_name)
    print(f'Versioning status: {version_status}')
    if version_status == 'Suspended':
        print('Enabling again..')
Bucket my-s3bucket1-usohio-region status: Suspended
Versioning status: Suspended
Enabling again..
Bucket my-s3bucket2-usohio-region status: Suspended
Versioning status: Suspended
Enabling again..

Get bucket list from S3

We can list the buckets in S3 using list_buckets() client function. It return a dict. We can iterate through Buckets key to find the names of the buckets.

buckets_list = s3client.list_buckets()
for bucket in buckets_list['Buckets']:

Upload files to S3

Boto3 allows file upload to S3. The upload_file client function requires three mandatory arguments -

1. filename of the file to be uploaded
2. bucket_name, Into which bucket the file would be uploaded
3. key, name of the file in S3
def upload_files_to_s3(filename, bucket_name, key=None, ExtraArgs=None):
    Uploads file to S3 bucket
    filename: takes local filename to be uploaded
    bucker_name: name of the bucket into which the file is uploaded
    key: name of the file in the bucket. Default:None
    ExtraArgs: other arguments. Default:None
    if key is None:
        key = filename
        print(f'uploaded file:{filename}')
    except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:

We can make use of glob module to upload multiple files in a folder

bucket1_files = [files[1],files[2]]
bucket2_files = [files[0],files[3]]
bucket1_files, bucket2_files
 ['data/Player Data.xlsx', 'data/star_pattern_turtlesim.png'])
for file in bucket1_files:
uploaded file:data/30-days-create-folds.ipynb
for file in bucket2_files:
uploaded file:data/Player Data.xlsx
uploaded file:data/star_pattern_turtlesim.png

Get files list

Getting the files list from each bucket done using list_objects client function. It returns dict and we can iterate through Contents key to retrieve the filenames.

for bucket in bucket_names:
    print(f'Listing object inside bucket:{bucket}')
    list_obj_response = s3client.list_objects(Bucket=bucket)
    for obj in list_obj_response['Contents']:
Listing object inside bucket:my-s3bucket1-usohio-region

Listing object inside bucket:my-s3bucket2-usohio-region
data/Player Data.xlsx

Download files

Downloading a file is very similar to uploading one. We need specify bucket name, name of the file to be downloaded, and the destination filename.

print(f'Downloading files from bucket:{bucket_names[1]}')
Downloading files from bucket:my-s3bucket2-usohio-region


This blog post shows how to use the boto3 python SDK to manage S3 aws service. With the help of documentation, we can implement require functionalities.

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